Managed Cloud

At Go For Cloud, we go for a service model with predictable costs that evolves with the way that you use your infrastructure and software. After all, the benefits of cloud computing cannot be ignored. To fully understand this, we will take a look under the hood, where you will find three layers. In the literature, we refer to IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS. These are not synonyms, but the core idea is always identical. These three layers are sometimes referred to as the inverted cloud pyramid. IaaS is located at the bottom and SaaS at the top, but they are all equally important. We also use these building blocks when we work with you to create the best working environment in the cloud.

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Within Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), the foundation is laid for both internal and external IT applications. Unlike on-premises solutions, you only have to worry about your applications, data, runtime, middleware and operating system. Servers and storage spaces replace your own servers and networking equipment, while your supplier takes care of the network (including firewalls), storage, servers (including security) and virtualization.

You purchase all this as a service, without having to be responsible for the investment, maintenance or security of the servers yourself. In addition, you retain all freedom. For example, it is perfectly possible to dictate which software needs to run on the infrastructure. We will be happy to discuss this with you.

Flexible base for your apps and applications

If you purchase your own infrastructure, you bear that cost regardless of how you make use of it. Recurring depreciation costs, investments and maintenance costs will then be a familiar refrain. What’s more, your capacity is always limited and you cannot simply absorb peaks. This is not a desirable situation.

It is completely different when you choose the managed service provided by Go For Cloud. You only have to pay for the actual computing power, storage and bandwidth used. Do your needs change frequently? If so, you can, of course, easily up- or downscale. In this way, you will never run into trouble.

24/7 availability

With IaaS, you don’t have to worry about downtime. The IT infrastructure is constantly running and, thanks to our proactive approach, you don’t have to fear any problems. The systems are monitored 24/7, we always strive for maximum uptime and we always try to absorb the consequences of maintenance work so that you don’t have to worry about its impact. In addition, we make sure that your data never gets lost. In case of problems, you can count on a second external location with a  backup of your data. Finally, we communicate transparently, have an intuitive dashboard and you receive notifications in the event of infrastructure problems.

Optimal security

In addition to servers and storage space, we provide firewalls, network security and physical security layers. This ranges from protection against unauthorized access, to fire protection and protection against water damage. Both the network and the infrastructure on which your data is located enjoy state-of-the-art security. But should we roll out another layer of security? Then your invoice will not charge for it, because you only pay for the use.

Clear roles and responsibilities 

If you manage your own server, it is obvious who you should contact in case of a calamity. When choosing IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) you do not have to lose this clarity. We provide a transparent model in which it is always clear to you who bears which responsibilities and who your first point of contact should be.

You are free to appoint a number of contact persons in your company. We will always use the so-called RACI-model (responsible, accountable, consulted and informed). Would you like to retain the right to a veto but the members of the board of directors should always be informed? Should the IT manager be given a role in the decision-making process? Not a problem: we aim for communicative accuracy in both directions and we also stick to agreements made. 

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Platform as a Service (Paas) is an ideal solution when you want to manage your application and data yourself. Application developers need a platform on which they can program their software, but not the many peripheral issues associated with it. With PaaS, developers use the cloud environment to develop and implement various cloud and business applications. You develop applications and manage data, leaving us to do the rest.

Similarities with IaaS

Just as with IaaS, we take care of the servers, the network, the storage space and the virtualisation. In other words, we manage the infrastructure and you are always assured of optimal security, 24/7 availability and a flexible foundation. If necessary, we also allocate extra resources. This allows you to fully focus on the development of your applications.

Differences with IaaS

However, with PaaS, we do even more to assist you. You'll get everything you need, from middleware to Business Intelligence tools, development tools and database management systems. It's designed so that you not only have all the tools at your fingertips during development, but also during testing, implementation and modification or updating. Want to add a new functionality along the way? That's easy because the focus is on coding, not on the many peripheral issues.

You no longer need to invest in the underlying infrastructure, utilities, container orchestrators and software licenses. So you have all the resources at your fingertips, but you only need to focus on the services you develop yourself. The rest is at our expense. Also in case of problems or updates, you simply pay per use, which makes everything much more predictable (OPEX model). This way you can also use custom-developed software as a small company. What's more, you no longer have to keep track of the expiry date of countless licenses.

Developers only have to worry about writing code. We take care of the rest. This is also the case when it comes to security. Everything runs in the cloud, and that's where we're in charge of security. To prevent a possible data breach, we invest in optimal security. After all, errors in the application code can expose data, which is why the credentials of admins and the security of devices are also very important. That is why we maintain optimal  security of your network and of the devices used on a daily basis, even when developers use unknown devices. Contact us for more information about the possibilities.

Software as a Service (SaaS)

With SaaS (Software as a Service) you opt for maximum care. Here, we also take care of the applications that are used in the cloud. These are often complex company-specific applications for internal or external use, such as CRM or ERP applications. Where IaaS lays the infrastructure foundation on which developers can work (PaaS), SaaS is the top layer of the inverted cloud pyramid. This is where everything is practically expressed and here you will discover the real benefits of cloud computing.

Similarities between IaaS and PaaS

The advantages you experience with IaaS and PaaS are again reflected here. It is another reason to choose an OPEX model in which you pay for use instead of paying for years of investment. In any case, this reduces financial risks and makes it easier for you to assess the financial impact of your IT.

We also take care of the infrastructure, storage space and servers (IaaS). And just as with PaaS, we are responsible for the middleware, the resources and optimal uptime. The only difference? We go one step further to relieve you of all your worries.

Differences between IaaS en PaaS

Whereas with PaaS and IaaS you are responsible for the applications and data yourself, with SaaS it is completely different.

Here, we are also responsible for the applications and data that is hosted in the cloud. Users only need an internet connection to use them. This allows you to get started with the applications at lightning speed, without having to incur huge start-up costs. The biggest advantage of SaaS is that you can get started with your applications anywhere, anytime at a transparent and predictable price, while not having to worry about the associated costs.

You don't have to install, update or maintain anything yourself. In addition, license management is a thing of the past and you always have the latest version at your disposal. Even for advanced applications such as ERP or CRM software, you are completely taken care of. This makes advanced applications affordable for small businesses too.

This is also the easiest way to get your staff working on the move. All they need is an internet connection and a computer or mobile device. This allows them to work from home, but also at the customer's premises. Do they have access to mobile internet? Then they can get to work on the go. The applications work on different devices and operating systems. In addition, you don't have to worry about the computing power of the device, because everything simply runs on our servers. We guarantee that safety comes first and, of course, we offer you the total package, including network solutions and  cloud telephony.

Just like the applications, the necessary data is in the cloud. As a result, it can always be accessed so a problem on a local server does not result in data loss. In addition, backups are constantly made and it is possible to restore data in a worst-case scenario. As a result, you run less risk, while your data is safe and only you can read it.

In short: with SaaS, you opt for maximum peace of mind. You take the benefits of PaaS and IaaS wherever you go and you don't have to worry about a thing. Not even about your applications or data.

Cloud computing via Go For Cloud

Choosing the cloud equates to opting for scalability. PaaS and SaaS are closely intertwined and always fall back on one thing: IaaS. Because your needs are often flexible, it is no longer necessary to guess the upper limit. On the contrary: you always benefit from the appropriate capacity but only pay for the usage. As a result, the basis of the cloud pyramid is extra solid, your developers have the potential to implement internal applications and your users can start working undisturbed. Both the shrinkage and growth of hardware and infrastructure is entirely dependent on actual use. If necessary, stability, scalability and availability can be adjusted.

  • Eenvoudig schaalbaar

  • Enkel betalen naar gebruik (OPEX)

  • Geen investeringen, beheerskosten, updatekosten, licenties…

  • 27/7 beschikbaarheid

  • Optimal security

  • Duidelijk RACI-model

  • 100% managed service

  • Geen risico op gegevensverlies

  • Overal veilig werken met elk apparaat

  • Voldoet aan de Europese privacywetgeving (AVG)

More Information?

Sounds interesting? After all, by opting for cloud computing, you work independently of time and location. It doesn't matter which device you use and even with a fast influx of users, everything runs smoothly. All three layers together form a solid basis for a contemporary digital workplace. It is the easiest way to immediately make flexible and mobile work possible.

We will gladly explain the possibilities to you. Even if you have doubts about safety, the limitations of your network or practical development issues, we will be happy to explain it all to you. Feel free to contact us and we will show you the world of cloud computing straight away.