

Go For Cloud BV with company number BE0715.445.472, offers you this website and the information on it on the condition that you, without any reservation, agree to the terms of use on this website. By 'information' Go For Cloud means all texts, all photographic material, images and other graphical items, all layout, templates and structures that make up the construction, form and content of this website.


Go For Cloud does not accept any liability for any damage that may result from the use of this website or the information on it. Go For Cloud has taken great care in the creation of this website. The information on the products mentioned comes from reliable sources and has been carefully checked where possible. This does not mean that Go For Cloud can guarantee the accuracy, completeness or suitability of the information for any use whatsoever. In addition, the information is subject to change without notice. Neither Go For Cloud nor its providers can be held liable for any damage that may be caused by the incorrect or incomplete forwarding of electronic forms.

Use limited to personal purposes

The user is not authorised to reproduce in any way or form for non-personal purposes or commercially exploit any information obtained through this website. The use and reproduction of photographic material is expressly prohibited. The property rights of this site belong to Go For Cloud or to the organizations that Go For Cloud has authorized within the framework of this website. Anyone who wishes to use this material should contact Go For Cloud.

Links and references

This website may contain hyperlinks to other websites and references to other sources of information. Go For Cloud does not systematically check these websites and the information on them. It cannot therefore offer any guarantee as to the quality or completeness of this information. The provision of these hyperlinks does not imply Go For Cloud's approval of the information contained in these sources. Nor does it imply any cooperation between the board and the operators of these sites. Therefore, Go For Cloud does not accept any liability for any damage that may result from consulting information on other websites or other information sources to which the Go For Cloud site refers. If you wish to create hyperlinks from your own website to this website, we ask you to contact Go For Cloud in advance in order to verify its admissibility.

Protection of personal data

Any data that Go For Cloud receives from you through this website will be included in the files of Go For Cloud. They serve exclusively to provide our services and to improve our services to you. In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation of 2018, you have the right to consult the data about you and, if necessary, to correct it and, if applicable, have it deleted. You also have the right to object that your data may no longer be used for the provision of the stated information. To this end, please send your question via the online contact form of Go For Cloud. More information about which personal data we process about you, on what grounds, for what purposes and your rights can be found on our Privacy policy.

Do you have any questions or comments about our Disclaimer? You can send us your question via our online contact form .