Web hosting and DNS management

At Go For Cloud, you can rely on us for all your cloud solutions, but we also offer your website a nice and secure hosting location. What's more, we take care of everything for you, from the registration of your domain name to hosting and the SSL certificate. In addition, we guarantee an uptime of no less than 99.99%. You can come to us for both shared and dedicated web hosting, as well as for tailor-made solutions.

Web hosting by Go For Cloud

Professional websites not only need sufficient storage space but also do not want to suffer from annoying malfunctions. They want to be accessible at lightning speed without fear of security leaks. Go For Cloud makes it possible. Discover our high-performance and secure solutions where we guarantee 99.99% uptime.

Always the right hosting package

At Go For Cloud, you have the choice between Linux and Windows web hosting. There are no differences in terms of security or speed, while both have their own control panel.

The choice mainly revolves around the scripting languages used on the website and their compatibility with the web servers. Does your website run on PHP or via a MySQL database? Then Linux web hosting is sufficient. On the other hand, do you use ASP, ASP.net or an MS-SQL database? Then Windows web hosting, which is just that little bit more expensive, is the only appropriate solution.

The extra cost is mainly due to the fact that special licences are required for Windows web hosting, something we cannot change, of course. In any case, we communicate the prices transparently and you always have the choice of different packages. Are you unsure? Then we will be happy to advise you.

Shared or dedicated web hosting

There are countless ways you can host your website and at Go For Cloud, we don't want to restrict you. That's why we offer you the choice between shared hosting or a dedicated server.

With shared web hosting, you do not get your own web server but simply share it with others. You can compare it to an apartment where everyone has their own space, but you still live under a common roof. With shared web hosting there are often a number of agreements to keep everything on track, just like a landlord does with rental properties. You pay an agreed fixed price for your own space. There is no doubt that this price is more attractive than when you rent the entire web server.

Nevertheless, it is still possible to purchase your own dedicated server. In that case, you do not have to share, but you get all the hardware to yourself. For you and you alone. You are the only user and you are never dependent on the actions of others. Would you like to have extra computing power, not be dependent on others and count on even higher availability? Then dedicated web hosting is indeed a good idea. But because you don't share the burden, it is a more expensive solution. A dedicated server is a good idea for large web shops or busy websites, for example.

Are you in doubt as to what is the best solution for you or would you like to receive no-obligation price information? Then request a test and experience the performance and possibilities for yourself. Of course, we will immediately explain things to help you make the right choice.

SSL certificates included

An SSL certificate proves that the data transfer from the server to the user is completely secure and encrypted. As a result, others can never read it, which is of the utmost importance when personal data, passwords or payment details are transferred. An SSL certificate must be requested from an independent certificate authority, which we always arrange for you. With us, you will be in compliance with the SSL certificate security conditions anyway.

This is handy because an SSL certificate has proven to be of added value, and not only for sensitive data. Of course, security is and will always be the main priority, but in addition, Google has already indicated that SSL certificates provide an SEO advantage. Moreover, Google Analytics can accurately track the traffic from other https-secured websites to your website. This is precisely why we believe that SSL certificates should never be omitted, even when no sensitive data is involved.

Let yourself be completely unburdened

Thanks to our managed service, you don't have to worry about your website. We offer solutions tailored to every situation, including continuous monitoring and proactive support. Management by our experts guarantees optimal uptime and powerful protection against malware and hacking.

  •  Customisation possible

  • Optimum performance under all conditions

  • Perfect security even in the event of DDOS attacks

  • Count on a proactive approach

  • Immediate assistance by an employee who knows your website or application


Go For Cloud is responsible for the registration and management of your domain name, of which you remain the owner at all times. As an independent reseller, we can offer virtually all domain extensions and immediately indicate which domain names are still available, whether they are .be, .com or .vlaanderen domain names.

The domain name is always registered in your name and we can always change your details, such as your address or e-mail address. Of course, we also arrange all other aspects for you, such as the removal, transfer or transfer of your domain name and the management of DNS records.

Finally, we will keep you informed if your domain name is about to expire.

Would you like to know more? Contact Go For Cloud

What hosting package do I need? Is my domain name still available? How can I be sure of optimal uptime? And can I keep control myself? It is not illogical that you still have a number of questions. That is why we are always ready to provide you with an answer. We will gladly guide you to the best solution and prepare a competitive quote for you. Feel free to contact Go For Cloud, without obligation, and let us take the worry out of web hosting and DNS management.